You can cancel your entire order as long as it has not been shipped or, in the case of personalized products, if their production has not yet started. Follow these steps to cancel your order:
Log in to your customer account or create one if you don't have one yet.
Go to "My Orders" in your account.
Select the order you wish to cancel by clicking on the "View Order" button.
Click on the "Cancel Order" option.
If your order has already been shipped or the personalized product has started production, you will not be able to cancel it. In this case, you will need to wait to receive it and then process the return from your customer account.
Note: If your order for personalized products has already begun production, it can no longer be cancelled or returned, as these items are made specifically for you.
Need additional help?
If you cannot cancel your order, if you wish to cancel only some of the items, or if you have any other questions, please contact us here.