If you have received a broken item, if parts or components are missing from your order or if you are simply not convinced and wish to return an order or product.
Once you have received your order, you have 14 calendar days to notify us of an issue. Please follow the steps below:
- Log in and go to “My Orders”*
- Select the order you want to return by clicking on “View Order”.
- Click on “Return order or report an issue”.
- Fill out the form to process an incident, selecting the option “The product was damaged in transit”, “There are pieces and/or fittings missing”, “I have received something that I did not order” or “The item was not what I expected”, depending on the incident.
- You should attach photographs that demonstrate the issue and also show the label on the packaging. State your preferred time slot for collection (if appropriate) and add comments. The more details you give us, the better, as it will help us speed up the process.
Our after sales team will come back to you with a solution in 3 working days approximately.
Pick up of the products: Your order needs to be disassembled and in its original packaging with filler padding if we are to collect it.
Product warranty: Please note that our products have a 2-year warranty (once the product is delivered). The procedure for reporting any product incident under warranty is the same as above.
*If you checked out as a guest and, as a result, your order isn’t linked to any account, create an account with the same email address you used to make the order and follow the steps explained above.